Monday, April 7, 2014

Fischer Random

Comment from youtube
"Chess 960 is the best because you don't have to worry about memorizing all the openings but instead use your skills as a chess player."

I like Fischer Random or if you want to call it Chess 960 it means the same thing but, it's harder to find players online for it. If you know of a website that has a lot of players for it please comment below.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Projects

My name is Dorian Howell & I’m video producer & fitness trainer
this is my projects page that tell you all my projects.
I AM Power, Inc (Past)
Basic Tai Chi & Chi Kung by Dennis Kelly (Now)
Millionaire Course by David Howell (Past)
Money Songs Videos (Past)

Overview of my goals

“A goal is a dream with a end date” Dorian Howell
“A goal without a date is just a dream.” Stevie Milton H. Erickson
Everyone dreams of a great & awesome future, but not everyone get their dreams because the difference between a dream and a goal is that dreams are in inside your mind well goal are really outside your mind with a plan to get them done.
I have a lot of goals & dreams. My goals & dreams are:
To be more healthy then 90% of the world.
To be more wealthy then 99.9% of the world.
To be more happy then 90% of the world.
To be more loving to everyone.
My goal is to create more measurable goals for 2013.


This post is a remind myself about how powerful having relationships are.


What is My meaning of Wealth.
Wealth is having the money and the time to do anything I want with anyone I want.
Achieve all goals by 01.03.14
1. To own $1000 in Gold & Silver
2. To create DVD Tai Chi Kung Basic Program with workbook, DVD Howell Health & Fitness Basic Program with workbook, DVD Howell Rest & Recovery Basic Program with workbook.
3. To Create Mp3 Setting Goals with workbook.
4.To Earn $100 or more per month with YouTube. Total $800 or more this year.


My passion are to Play Chess & Chess 960, Racquetball, Tennis, Making Videos, Weight Training,
Improving my mind & body.


My goals for this year is to:
To know 10 opening with white & black in chess.
To win against level 1400 chess players in anytime control & at any time of day.
To have positive attitude & believe in using all my energy as my attitude. How to have this as my attitude to remind myself daily to use all my energy.
To read 26500 pages of books. i.e. 500 pages a week.
Find books that I want to read then read them.
To write 4800 pages i.e. 24 books of total 200 pages.Make a outline of topic I like & know then go from there.
My writing speed is 29.34 words per minute & accuracy 98.14% but my writing speed for writing my book is like 1 page per 3 weeks.
To read 200 words per minute
I read at 124 words per minute 4/4/13
How I can improve this is by reading more & learn how to speed read.